
S.E.A. Smart Progress

8.52 / 10

Казалось бы, это безумие -- создавать новый парапланерный брэнд в стране, оказавшейся на острие международных политических коллизий. Но тем большее уважение вызывает тот факт, что у молодой команды S.E.A. всё получается. Итак, встречаем "послешкольное" крыло этого нового парапланерного брэнда: S.E.A. Smart Progress.

BGD Cure 2

8.43 / 10

Один из лучших парапланов с лейблом EN C. Возможно -- самый лучший на момент выхода.

DaVinci Tango

8.23 / 10

An ambitious EN B glider from young and ambitious brand

DaVinci Funky

8.47 / 10

An ambitious EN B glider from young and ambitious brand

Niviuk Artik 5

8.5 / 10

The bright-tempered mid EN C having plenty of advantages and some weak points

UP Meru

8.83 / 10

All the best from UP, now in EN D 2-liner format!

UP Kibo

8.85 / 10

Bringing sweet handling and dynamic behavior in mid EN B class

Phi Symphonia

8.96 / 10

Старые кадры, новые фокусы: легендарный Папеш из Новы создал собственный брэнд. Встречаем EN A от Phi: Symphonia!

ParAAvis Joy 3


We made EN B, but it turned out to be EN A! An amazing story of an amazing machine from ParAvis.

Davinci Xchord


Hi-tech 2-liner with PWC ambition but user-friendly mood!

S.E.A. Aeromaster

8.06 / 10

S.E.A. is young but ambitious brand from Ukraine. Let's try their biplace glider!

Davinci Duet

8.7 / 10

The harsh Moscow winter made it possible to get acquainted with the Duo only very briefly. But there were enough positive impressions all the same!

Davinci Rhythm

8.17 / 10

"The Mountain Eagle" struck a chord with Guy's imagination. It was a real symbol of the old empire, a symbol of the great past... Gaius stood on his weakened legs, trembling with awe, and like a thunderbolt the words of his friend Mac struck him: "What a trunk, Massarakhsh! "A. and B. Strugatsky. An Inhabited Island.

Airdesign Hero


A rare beast: a lightweight three-row with A.R. of about 7 for mountain flying.

Sky Country Escort 2 plus

8.33 / 10

An ambiguous, but in many ways interesting tandem from the manufacturer of the legendary Mystics and Evolutions.

Up Trango X-Race

8.29 / 10

It's not the first year that UP has confidently held the leadership in the top EN C wings segment. The Trango X-Race is another attempt to hold on to that leadership.

Advance Sigma 10


The cozy fireplace of a country villa, the 1958 Mouton-Rothschild glass, the Aston Martin in the garage... Sigmas by Advance occupy a well-deserved place in the same associative row, embodying the concept of values for wealthy gentlemen and their beautiful ladies.

Sky Country Space

8.67 / 10

Sky Country looks modest against the background of the giants of the paragliding market. But this is only at first glance. So, the newest, very ambitious High Performance: SpaCe.

Gradient Aspen 6


Обновлённый EN C от Градиента -- насколько удачным он вышел?

Sky Paragliders Apollo

8.48 / 10

Sky Paragliders — интересная компания : вроде чехи, но если копнуть глубже — то обнаруживается тесный творческий союз с французами. Итак, продвинутый интермедиат от франко-чешского альянса: Apollo!

Ozone Zeno

8.2 / 10

Since 2010, Ozone has convincingly held the lead in the market for top wings. But until very recently, Ozone could not counteract the success of Niviuk, which created a market segment "just below the top". And now, finally, it has happened. Meet the Ozone Zeno! Formally EN D certified, but volatile and demanding CCC class. You can even rob a pigsty!

Skyman Crossalps

7.88 / 10

Looks like Markus Grundhammer's experiment with lightweight wings was quite successful! Meet the mountain EN C: Skyman Crossalps.

Swing Mito


В 2015 году Swing неожиданно сменил конструктора, а вместе с ним -- и философию своих крыльев. В 2016 году пришла пора обновить учебный аппарат этой фирмы. Итак, встречаем школьный Swing Mito (EN A)!

Niviuk Hook 4

8.46 / 10

As of 2016 Niviuk can be confidently called one of the leaders and trendsetters of the world paragliding market. Without shaking the world with revolutionary innovations and scandals in the world of top-sport, Niviuk does its business seriously and thoroughly, and this applies to the entire line of equipment. Today we are going to study the Hook4, an EN B-certified intermediate at the school-preschool level.

Element AIR 4

8.08 / 10

Что важнее для параплана класса Performance: комфорт или характер? Разбираемся вместе.

Element Water 2

7.76 / 10

Единственная в Болгарии парапланерная фирма Element совершенно неизвестна в России. Пришла пора исправить это досадное недоразумение...

BGD Base

8.73 / 10

Топовый EN B от Брюса Голдсмита — такой долгожданный и такой неоднозначный...

Sky country syncro

8.32 / 10

Few people remember nowadays the times when paragliders could only float moderately in very strong dynamics, and thermals could be found only on the glossy pages of foreign paragliding magazines. Modest extensions, small areas - that's all the past, isn't it? No it isn't! This is the future. More precisely, the present, unusual and intriguing...

Skywalk Cayenne 5

8.69 / 10

It would seem difficult to improve on a product as successful as the Cayenne 4. But the Skywalk Cayenne 5 is more than just a number change after the word Cayenne.

Powerplay Sting 2

8.59 / 10

Парамоторное крыло с возможностью безмоторного полёта — или безмоторный аппарат с возможностью подцепить мотор?.. В случае со Стингом — несомненно, первое.

Skywalk Arriba 3

8.74 / 10

Skywalk's extremely successful "intermediate", Tequila4, in the light version. This is at first glance. How it is at second glance, read below.

Sky Country Discovery 5

8.46 / 10

The technical revolution of the early 2010s can already be considered almost complete. And any revolution is followed by a time of gradual and cautious evolution, consolidation of success achieved and bringing new solutions to mind. Our test subject today, Discovery 5 is the brainchild of evolution rather than revolution.

Axis Pluto 3

8.09 / 10

I remember my first Pluto as a very pleasant combination of flying and easy-going nature. Since then a lot of time has passed and a lot has changed in the paragliding world. But how much the philosophy of Pluto has changed - let's see now...

Skywalk Tequila 4

8.81 / 10

The protagonist of the well-known russian fairy tale, as you know, was distinguished by a combination of modest appearance and remarkable abilities. And let the realities of Russian fairy tales and German paraprogram are two very different realities, but also the hero of our today's test drive has something in his character...

Icaro Maverick 3

8 / 10

New times, new trends. The famous designer Michael Nessler, who has worked with many paraglider brands, is now also working with Icaro paragliders. So, Maverick3!

BGD Wasp

8.23 / 10

When Goldsmith opened the BGD line with the extremely successful Tala, he had to keep the flag high. How well does he do that when it comes to versatile wings for flying with or without a motor?

Swing nexus


Легко выбирать, когда знаешь, чего ждать от производителя. Но времена меняются, и старый добрый Swing решил неожиданно сменить самоидентификацию. Новые формы крыльев, новые названия, новые раскраски, новый характер... Хорошо это или плохо? Вот и узнаем.

Paraavis Joy 2


Joy One was a real breakthrough for ParAvis into the world of modern technology. Let's see how successful Joy II was...

Macpara Elan

8.62 / 10

К технике Macpara у меня особое отношение. Один из первых аппаратов, который я тестировал, был Macpara Feeling, который понравился сразу и безусловно. И с тех пор техника фирмы Mac ParaTechnology, попадая на тестирование, вызывала в целом весьма положительные эмоции. И вот после достаточно большого перерыва в моих руках — новейшее детище MacPara, «перформанс» Elan.

Airdesign Rise 2

8.46 / 10

Первый Райз оказался редким примером спокойного и комфортного, но при этом отлично летающего «интермедиата». Сделать ещё лучше, ничего при этом не испортив — перед конструктором Airdesign стояла непростая задача...

Skywalk Joint 3

8.56 / 10

Skywalk is known first of all for its single-seat wings of medium and sport class. The Chili3 (EN B) and Cayenne4 (EN C) are already familiar to our readers - but how is Skywalk doing on the tandem side?

Sky Country Scooter

8.41 / 10

Год 2014 стал для Sky Country годом перемен. Меняется фирменный стиль, меняется философия крыльев. Яркое воплощение всего нового, что есть у Sky Country -- "продвинутый интермедиат" SCooter.

Axis Comet 2

8.08 / 10

Leaving a designer is always hard. It is especially hard when a designer leaves a company at the peak of its success, as it happened with Axis. A few years have passed, and now I am holding a product that bears the Axis logo, but created by a completely new designer and with a completely new ideology. So, Axis Comet2!

Skywalk Cayenne 4

8.39 / 10

What happens if you take a good parafoil and turn it into a paraglider? And if it's the other way around? It's no secret that the famous paraglider manufacturer Skywalk and the equally famous kite manufacturer Flysurfer are practically one in two. Flysurfer kites are sincerely and deservedly loved by kiters all over the world. But I haven't held on to a Skywalker paraglider for a few years now. So, what has Skywalk managed to achieve in the fight against the dark side of paraglider perfection...?

Aeros Style 3

7.81 / 10

The style of Aeros paragliders began to change with the change of the designer. And obviously for the better. It became more ambitious and "aero" became much more interesting than it was before. The latest trends were also embodied in a seemingly modest "after-schooler": Aeros Style.

Dudek Colt

7.82 / 10

Actually, the Polish company Dudek is best known for its motor machines. And they, in turn, are famous for their autostable profiles, which are commonly referred to by the cool and incomprehensible sounding word Reflex. But I haven't dealt with "dudeks" for non-motorized flight for several years now. And I dare say, that the modern Dudeks with no engine look a lot like Paramotor wings. More details are below.

Sky Country Mystic 3

8.77 / 10

История «хай-перформансов» MyStiC от Sky Country — это отражение истории самой этой фирмы. Мистик Первый — брутальный, очень летучий и столь же непростой. Мистик Второй — нечаянное попадание в класс EN C, великолепная пассивная безопасность и мягкий, всепрощающий характер; сам Ален Цоллер из сертификационного центра Air Turquoise выбрал себе такое крыло. Чего же ожидать от Мистика Третьего?..

Gin Carrera

8.4 / 10

Спортивные автомобили — это не всегда спорт, но чаще всего шик, мода и ещё один способ показать другим своё превосходство. Похоже, Gin Gliders решили поиграть в небольшую игру с названиями своих спортивных парапланов: Boomerang GTO тонко намекает на Grand Tourismo Omologato — класс автомобилей, находящихся где-то на самой границе между роскошью и серьёзным автоспортом, и не составляет труда сообразить, откуда появилось название Gin Carrera. Впрочем, российские пилоты склонны к забавной оговорке: в их устах название Carrera чаще звучит как «карьера», и это тоже неспроста...

Icaro Wildcat te

7.6 / 10

The philosophy of Icaro is quite peculiar. Now this company creates an extremely comfortable machine like Ice2 XC (DHV 2), then suddenly it launches something very sharp and dynamic like Incanto (DHV 1-2). But in the case of Icaro Wildcat TE (EN B) we do not have to guess about the character of the subject - the name speaks for itself!

Dudek Optic

8 / 10

Eh, it's been a long time since I picked up a checkers! Oh, I mean paragliders of the Polish company Dudek. "Dudek is famous for its paramotor wings with auto-stable profiles, but the non-motor wings of this company are much less known. Maybe it's because of the magic "reflex" profiles...?

Paraavis Dream


After the very successful ParAAvis Joy "intermediate" it would be logical for Paraavis to launch a wing, which, being the "big brother" of the Joy and keeping all its advantages, would be positioned in the "performance" class. Dream fits perfectly into this concept, but it has its own features, its own strengths and weaknesses. What are they, read below!

Aeros Mirage


Очень удачный Aeros Style2 прошёл почти незамеченным для российского рынка, но c «перформансом» Aeros Mirage мы этой оплошности не допустим. Новый конструктор — новый стиль! Итак, чем же удивит нас Аэрос на этот раз?..

Skywalk Chili 3

8.46 / 10

Georgia is a pleasant relaxed hospitality, good wine and plentiful, good-quality, moderately spicy food. The Skywalk Chili3 that I tested is the brainchild of another culture, but in some ways this device turned out to be surprisingly "Georgian" - kind, generous to positive emotions and spicy exactly to the extent that it is pleasant...

Swing Mistral 7

8.31 / 10

German paragliders are a distinctive brand, well known to pilots for their comfort, reliability, and easy-going nature. "Mistral's Intermediates have been a worthy embodiment of this dignified approach to designing and refining paragliders for many years. But to focus only on comfort and safety at a time of fore-edge fishing lines and a mad race for flyability is to lose the market. I wonder how Swing will solve this contradiction?

Gradient Aspen 4

7.78 / 10

Разумный консерватизм и осторожный подход к техническим новшествам характерны для Gradient в целом и для «перформансов» Aspen в частности.

GIN Atlas

7.88 / 10

Есть в искусстве такое понятие, как «актёр одного фильма» или «певец одной песни». Отчасти это можно отнести и к продукции Gin Gliders, наиболее знаменитый представитель которой — Boomerang. Однако линейка техники этого уважаемого производителя вполне полна, и сегодня мы познакомимся с послешкольным аппаратом от GIN: Atlas.

Sol Ellus 4

7.73 / 10

The SOL paragliders are the most reliable and long-lasting materials. "The Ellus4 Intermediat continues the worthy tradition of the brand.

BGD Tala

8.35 / 10

Bright, ambiguous, appealing: that's how I see Bruce Goldsmith's new wing with the EN C label.

Gradient Golden 4

8.32 / 10

Gradient's Golden gliders are almost an independent brand, loved by pilots for its reliability and easy-going nature. So what should we expect from the first Golden of the high-speed era and wires in the leading edge?